Class Etiquette

Arrive on Time 

Please arrive on time to all classes as late arrivals cause distractions for other clients who are focused and participating. If you are a first time client, please arrive 10-15 minutes early. First time clients who are late are not permitted in the studio room once class has started. If you are a regular client who (on rare occasion) is late, we ask that you perform 60 knee lifts outside of the classroom to warm your muscles before entering a class. **Please note that the door is often locked once class begins for the safety of our clients and staff.** Thank you for your help and understanding with this. 

Stay to Stretch

Stretching at the end of class is just as important as all of the work leading up to it. We do ask that you stay for the full duration of each class. If there is a rare occasion where you should need to leave early, please let the instructor know before class, choose a spot at the barre that is closest to the exit, and leave all equipment on the mat for the instructor to clean and put away. This creates much less of a distraction for other clients.  

No Talking

Please refrain from all talking and chatter during class. There will be moments of transition in each class, but conversation during these times not only is distracting, but slows down the entire classroom. Our class formats are based largely off of a mind/body connection and require that you stay present (both physically and mentally) for the entire duration of the class. That being said, we welcome "Woohoo's!" and all the hard-working sounds that tend to happen when you're in the "shake zone" and you're feeling the burrrrnnnn!!

No Phones

Please silence (no vibrate) all cell phones or any other electronic devices and store them away during class. Again, we want our clients to have the best experience possible and to be able to keep their focus inward during the hour, with minimal distractions.

Water Only

Please drink only water in the studio room in order to help us avoid spills and cleanups. 

No Shoes

Shoes are not permitted into the studio room unless discussed beforehand, they must be non-street shoes. All classes are performed either barefoot or in sticky/grippy socks. Grippy socks are required for TRX classes.

Follow Directions

Please listen to and follow the directions of your instructor. It is her goal to keep you safe and in good form. We ask that you do not modify or vary from the exercise unless told otherwise during class or by an instructor outside of class (such as if you have an injury, you are pregnant, etc.). There will be times that your instructor gives you corrections, asks you to stay in a modification, or asks that you not attempt an advanced variation.  If you have questions or concerns about any instructions given to you specifically, feel free to ask your instructor about it after class. 

Clean and Return Equipment

Please spray and wipe your equipment at the end of every class and return back to its storage place. Please do not drag rebounders across the studio and be sure to secure the toggle before placing back on the storage rack.

*These rules are to ensure that clients are kept safe and are able to make the most of the time spent in the classroom. Thank you for your understanding and commitment to keeping these rules.